Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Traınıng And Research Hospıtal

In 1954, thirty-two acres of land known as Dışkapı Baba Harman locality was rented from Ankara Municipality and the hospital building, the foundation of which was laid in 1957, was opened on 25.06.1964 by the then Turkish Minister of Labor, Mr. Bülent Ecevit, with a bed capacity of "300". Our hospital has faced a very intense demand since the day it was opened. In order to respond to this demand and to improve the quality of service, new units were added over time, the bed capacity was increased, and the S.S.K Dışkapı Hospital, which has become a training hospital, has become one of the largest hospitals in Turkey, training assistants as well as patient treatment, hosting various researches in the field of health.


In 1996, it was included in the polyclinic services provided in Dışkapı and increased its service quality with sixty polyclinic rooms in its modern building built on its own land.

In 2005, with the abolition of the Social Insurance Institution and the establishment of the Social Security Institution with the aim of gathering all security institutions under a single roof, Dışkapı Ankara Hospital, like other S.S.K hospitals, was transferred to the Ministry of Health (T.C.S.B). After this date, the name of the hospital was changed to T.C.S.B Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital. The hospital has grown further with the addition of various neighborhood polyclinics and forty-eight newly opened polyclinics.


As Dışkapı hospital, we provide services in 7 different centers.



We have 795 physicians, 964 nurses and midwives and 786 other employees.

The number of beds is 760, the number of intensive care beds is 133, the number of operating room tables is 29, and our qualified bed rate is 44.4% (1 or 2 bedded room with WC and bathroom).

After 2005, T.C.S.B Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital underwent a modern restructuring and a new central outpatient clinic was opened, queue management and LCD screens were installed in outpatient clinics, thus eliminating the negative conditions caused by overcrowding and overcrowding to a large extent. The existing dental outpatient clinic was renovated, a youth center sleep center was opened, public relations and patient rights units were established, patient guidance and patient accompaniment staff were established to assist patient relatives, and social deficiencies were largely eliminated.


In addition to all these, our special units in recent years; Underwater Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine Clinic,
Obesity Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Interventional Radiology Outpatient Clinic, Pulmonary Hypertension Outpatient Clinic, Arrhythmia Outpatient Clinic Organ Transplantation, Dialysis Center, Stone Crushing Unit, Angiography Unit, Algology (Pain Treatment Center), Acupuncture Outpatient Clinics have been put into service and a new and modern understanding in health has been adopted.


T.C.S.B Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital continues to serve with the history it has witnessed since 1964 and its high quality, contemporary, innovative new vision.

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