Istanbul Traınıng And Research Hospıtal

Istanbul Training and Research Hospital was inaugurated on 16.01.1960 in Samatya with a ceremony attended by then President Celal Bayar, Speaker of the Parliament Refik Koraltan and Minister of Labor Haluk Şaman under the name "Workers' Insurance Institution Hospital", which would be known by the name of the district where it was established for many years. When the hospital was first established, it was built on 28,604 square meters with a capacity of 560 beds. The "Workers' Insurance Institution Hospital" known as "the most modern hospital in the Balkans" at that time as the building had a unique construction technique and with the medical tools and equipment. The hospital started its service with a total of 557 employees, including 100 doctors, 65 nurses, 339 auxiliary health personnel and 53 other personnel.

In the following years, the name was changed to "Social Insurance Institution Istanbul Hospital".

In our hospital

  • In 1978, the first Hemodialysis Center within S.S.K. Health Facilities was put into service with 8 machines.
  • In 1985, the nurse's lodging building, staff cafeteria and polyclinic constructions were built and the number of beds was increased to 804 by adding floors.
  • In 1987, the Coronary Intensive Care Unit was put into service by then President Kenan Evren.
  • Between 1996 and 2000, the Blood Center, Post-Op Intensive Care Unit and Pathology Laboratory were renovated and put into service. The CT scanner was put into service and the Endoscopy Unit was opened. In addition, most of the construction of the Emergency Department and the Intensive Care Unit was completed during this period.
  • A central sterilization unit was established in 2001.
  • The number of intensive care beds was increased in 2003.
  • On February 19, 2005, it was transferred to the Ministry of Health and renamed the Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital.
  • As a result of the protocol signed with the University of Health Sciences in 2017, it has been serving under the name of Health Sciences University Istanbul Training and Research Hospital for 64 years.

Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, which has been the pioneer of Quality and Accreditation studies throughout the country, the studies started in the 2000s. Our health facility received "TS-EN ISO - 9000 Quality Assurance Certificate" in 2002 by meeting all the standards offered by TSE and continued to carry out successful studies in the field of Quality and Accreditation in Health in the following years.

Besides the quality standarts achieved, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital is a pioneer in complying with the constantly developing health information technologies in international standards, completed the HIMSS EMRAM Level 6 (Healtcare Information and Management Systems Society) validation in 2016 in line with the criteria evaluated in e-health, smart systems and technologies in health, artificial intelligence and advanced applications. Acting with the mission of continuous improvement, our hospital continues to work with the same understanding with the pride of being the first Training and Research Hospital to receive the title of Digital Hospital in Turkey by receiving HIMSS EMRAM Level 7 validation on March 31, 2022.
At the moment, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital serves with 873 physicians, 703 nurses and midwives and other personnel and approximately 3200 employees, with a total of 209 outpatient rooms, 610 bed capacity, 66 adult intensive care beds, 30 newborn intensive care beds and 28 operating room tables;

  • Istanbul Training and Research Hospital Central Building
  • Fatih Center Polyclinic
  • Suleymaniye Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Additional Service Building
  • Zeytinburnu District Polyclinic
  • Osmaniye Neighborhood Polyclinic serves in 5 different campuses.

In addition to diagnosis and treatment services, educational activities also continue in our hospital.

In our institution;

  • Emergency Medicine Clinic,
  • Family Medicine,
  • Anesthesiology and Reanimation,
  • Neurosurgery,
  • Pediatrics,
  • Skin and Venereal Diseases,
  • Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology,
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
  • General Surgery,
  • Ophthalmology,
  • Hematology,
  • Internal Medicine,
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology,
  • Cardiology,
  • Otolaryngology,
  • Nephrology,
  • Neonatology,
  • Neurology,
  • Nuclear Medicine,
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology,
  • Radiation Oncology,
  • Radiology,
  • Medical Biochemistry,
  • Medical Pathology,
  • Medical Oncology,
  • Urology serves as a training clinic and brings new specialist physicians to the health world.
  • Organized by our hospital;
  • Intensive Care Nursing Certified Training Program,
  • Operating Room Nursing Certified Education Program,
  • Emergency Care Certified Training Program and
  • With the Nutrition Certified Training Program, certified nurses are provided in the branches needed by the sector.

Category List

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