Basic Intensive Care Nursing Course Program

Targets : •Knows and applies the duties, competencies, and responsibilities of the intensive care nurses. •Understands the importance of patient and family-centered care in the intensive care unit. •Carries outpatient care processes and discharge processes in a way that ensures integrity in care. •Evaluates critically ill patients comprehensively and correctly interpret clinical signs and symptoms in the patient. •Lists evidence-based practices in the process of delivery of critical patient care.
Education Start Date : 18.03.2024 06:00
Education End Date : 27.03.2024 14:00
Education Type : Offline
Location : Array
Duration : 8 days

Supporting Experts

Prerequisites for the Training

Nursing Diploma

Details of the Training

Intensive Care Nursing Course Program is carried out with the aim of raising qualified manpower to work in Intensive Care Units, ensuring the compliance of intensive care nurses with scientific and technological innovations related to service, and helping to increase efficiency and reliability in the care services provided in these units.

The duration of the course is 8 working days, of which 32 hours (4 full days) are theoretical training and 32 hours (4 full days) are practical training.

The theoretical part of the course is held in a classroom environment at the Haydarpasa campus of the University of Health Sciences between 09.00 and 17.00 during weekday working hours. The clinical practice training is carried out between 08.00 and 16.00 in the intensive care units in the hospitals where the University of Health Sciences is affiliated. Those hospitals have a third-level intensive care unit, under the supervision of the nurse in charge of intensive care.

A "Certificate of Achievement" is given to the successful participants at the end of the training. The duration of the training program and the subjects included in the program are specified in the Certificate of Achievement, in detail.


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