Course For Oncology Nursing

Targets : The aim is to provide nurses with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by their duties to prevent cancer, early diagnosis, and effective and safe treatment with a multidisciplinary approach to the patient in need of cancer treatment
Education Start Date : 09.10.2023 05:00
Education End Date : 20.10.2023 13:00
Education Type : Offline
Location : Array
Duration : 6000

Supporting Experts

Prerequisites for the Training

Nursing Diploma

Details of the Training

The training program consists of two parts, theoretical and practical, and will be implemented without interruption. The duration of the course is 60 hours, including 40 hours of theory and 20 hours of practice.

In the theoretical part of the training, a maximum of 30 (thirty) participants will be trained in a group.

For the practical part of the training, hospitals affiliated with the University of Health Sciences and having an oncology department will be used.


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